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Egypt Career Summit CTF 2019
Starts At
22 February 2019 , 07:00 am UTC
Ends At
23 February 2019 , 20:00 pm UTC
As a Cyber Security Community Partner for Egypt Career Summit, we will launch ECS Cybersecurity CTF Competition 2019 on 22nd - 23rd February 2019 at 09:00 AM (CLT). Egypt Career Summit is one of the most important events and the largest event for careers in Egypt. For more details, you can check the website below:
All the countries can play for fun, However, the winners will need to be in Egypt to use their prizes.
The first top 10 winners will receive free tickets to attend Egypt Career Summit 2019 from Career Advancers & Career 180. The rest of the Egyptian participants will have a 50% discount from Career Advancers & Career 180 to attend Egypt Career Summit 2019 (The promo code regarding the discount will be sent via mail).