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Teams (Min: 4 | Max: 4)
Starts At
27 March 2021 , 12:00 pm UTC
Ends At
27 March 2021 , 20:00 pm UTC
For the first time, Taif University organizes an online cybersecurity Capture The Flag (CTF) competition. This competition is a side-event to the 4th National Conference for Computing Colleges (4th NCCC 2021), which is organized by the College of Computers and Information Technology at Taif University from March 27th to March 28th, 2021. The CTF hacking competition starts on the first day of the conference from 03:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
The competition will be a Jeopardy Style CTF where every team will have a list of challenges in different categories like Reverse Engineering, Web Security, Digital Forensics, Network Security and others. For every challenge solved, the team will get a certain amount of points depending on the difficulty of the challenge. The team who will get the highest score at the end of the day will be the winning team.
Rules concerning team members are as follows.
- Two teams represent each university, one for males and the other for females, with four members for each team.
- Registration is only for the students whom their university nominated to participate in the competition.
- All team members must be undergraduate students.
Rules concerning the platform are as follows.
- Sharing the flags between different teams is prohibited.
- Brute Force attacks on the challenges submission portal or challenges links are not allowed.
- Any attack against the site or the hosted servers will be observed and the player will be banned from participating in the CTF immediately.
- Organizers have the permission to disqualify teams for any unethical behavior or any trials to interrupt the CTF.
The prizes and the winning teams will be announced the next day in the conference closing session.
- 1st team 10,000 SR
- 2nd team 6,000 SR
- 3rd team 4,000 SR
The university reserves the right to exclude any winning teams that do not follow the competition rules.
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For any other issues, please contact your university coordinator.